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The Eus Ambitious Plan To End Combustion Engines

The EU's Ambitious Plan to End Combustion Engines

EU Parliament Approves Ban on Combustion Engines by 2035

The European Union has taken a bold step towards a sustainable future by approving a ban on the sale of new combustion engine cars and vans in the region. The historic decision, passed by the EU Parliament with a majority vote, will take effect in 2035.

Von der Leyen Emphasizes the Importance of Sustainability

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has expressed her support for the ban, highlighting its crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. She stated, "This decision marks a turning point in the fight against climate change and our transition to a greener, more sustainable future."

The End of Combustion Engines

The ban effectively marks the end of the combustion engine as the primary power source for vehicles in the EU. It will force manufacturers to shift their focus towards alternative technologies, such as electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, and hydrogen-powered vehicles.

Benefits for the Environment and Consumers

The decision is expected to bring numerous benefits, including:

  • Reduced air pollution, leading to improved public health.
  • Lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the fight against climate change.
  • Increased demand for renewable energy sources, further reducing emissions.
  • Enhanced energy efficiency, leading to lower fuel costs for consumers.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the transition away from combustion engines presents challenges, it also offers significant opportunities. It will create new jobs in the renewable energy and electric vehicle sectors, drive innovation, and foster economic growth.


The EU Parliament's decision to ban combustion engines by 2035 is a bold and ambitious move that will have far-reaching implications for the transportation sector and the environment. It marks a turning point in the EU's commitment to sustainability and sets an inspiring example for other regions around the world.
